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ISCE Douro

| Publication


The LabD – Journal of Sports Sciences is a scientific publication with open access, whose content is available openly and free of charge to be read, downloaded, distributed, printed and used by users or institutions, without the permission of the editors or authors.

The entire publication process (including all editorial phases) is equally free of charge. The original works, free from plagiarism, neutral and independent, submitted by the authors are subject to a process of “double blind review”. The author must ensure that these works have not been previously published or are currently under analysis and possibility of publication in another physical or electronic space. Published articles are the responsibility of their authors.

Papers can be presented by professors, researchers, professionals and students from the scientific areas of the publication. The articles can focus on empirical investigations, literature reviews in specific areas or theoretical reflections.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject works that it considers to be of insufficient quality, or not relevant enough for the thematic areas of the journal or that do not comply with the standards presented below.

When submitting works for publication in the LabD – Journal of Sports Sciences, the authors authorize the Editorial Board to carry out the editing (without alteration of the idea or message), formatting and rights to disseminate their article, including in national and international scientific databases and repositories, always under the mission of sharing knowledge and skills obtained from scientific and applied research. The author always maintains the copyright of the submitted article.

Then we expose the specific rules for the delivery of works, to facilitate the submission system and optimize the process for authors, editorial board and reviewers. The LabD – Journal of Sports Sciences is available to receive papers from the entire academic and professional community. The scientific papers submitted must respect the publication rules set out below and the author must, before sending the manuscript, make sure that it complies with the publication rules of the journal and the publication rules of APA 7 (American Psychological Association).


| Mission


The publication's mission is to share knowledge and skills obtained from scientific and applied research in Sports.


| Values


The values of these publication are transparency, independence, blind review and the progress of knowledge.


| Vision


The growing sharing of knowledge between different scientific disciplines of sports sciences and the construction of a society with a more scientific literacy in sports.


| Papers


This publication is ruled by international criteria of excellence, ensuring the quality of scientific articles, through an anonymous review process (double blind review) by a scientific committee, composed of reviewers external to the publishing entity. The reviewers come from prestigious institutions of higher education, national and international. The themes accepted for publication will have to be related to Sports Sciences.


| Publishing Entity


The scientific journal LabD – Journal of Sports Sciences is an editorial project of the Department of Sports of Douro’s Higher Institute of Educational Sciences - ISCE Douro - owned by PEDAGO - in an open access digital format, dedicated to the publication of original scientific articles in the areas of Sports Sciences.


| Publication Frequency


The magazine will have a seasonal periodicity with the publication of 2 annual issues - Spring / Summer; Fall / Winter -, and its publication will be in an open access digital format, free of charge, to enhance its international dissemination.


| Languages ​​Accepted


Its international scope will allow the publication of texts in Portuguese and English, accepting works by authors from any country, that aim to contribute to a relevant and useful discussion for the development of the scientific areas in question.


| Evaluation


This publication intends to be governed by international criteria of excellence, ensuring the quality of scientific articles through an anonymous review process (double blind review) by a scientific board composed of evaluators external to the publishing entity, from prestigious institutions of higher education, national and international.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject papers that it considers to be of insufficient quality, or not relevant enough for the thematic areas of the journal. The works evaluated by the Editorial Board with sufficient quality and relevant to the thematic areas of the publication are sent to the scientific reviewers for anonymous review.